Monday, July 11, 2005
Welcome To My Office
Not much poker to report. Parenthood is taking priority at present.
I'm on paternity leave until the end of this week and have been incredibly fortunate with the weather. We are encountering a mini heat wave at present, and have been making the most of the sun. So this is how we have been spending our days...
Welcome To My Office
Today it was so hot my wireless network stopped working - I think the router overheated! I am lobster pink tonight, but I'd rather be pink from the sun than blue from the cold.
No doubt normality will be restored soon and we will be back indoors. The weather might hold long enough to see a very pleasant British Open at St Andrews. I hope so!
The only poker news is that I've ordered a bunch of books to read on the train to work. I'll review them as they are received and read.
I mentioned recently that I was getting into Omaha Hi-Lo, and interestingly both Felicia and Iggy have picked up on the trend away from Hold Em.
It would be good to see some non Hold Em poker on television. Split pots might be a bit too complicated to cover easily, but Omaha would be a nice progression from Hold Em. Maybe the Barry Greenstein/Simon Trumper storm in a teacup in the $10,000 WSOP event will have done it a favour by boosting awareness.
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11:41 pm
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